The first ever meeting of the new club got us off to a cracking start in February, setting the bar high for future meetings. Expectations for the March meeting were therefore high. Happily our demonstrator for the evening, Pamela Galloway, was more than up to the task. Pamela is excellent fun, and so we were entertained and educated in equal measure. Pamela’s theme was “Finally found a use for this”. She’d be the first to admit she loves a bargain, and so all her containers had cost her next to nothing or been found in the back of the cupboard!
Below you can see Pamela with some hellebores from her own garden in a beautiful arrangement.

One of the fun parts of our meetings is that the arrangements are raffled at the end of the evening. This month’s lucky winners were Jenny McCullough (left) and Isobel Butt. Congratulations both!